The U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are co-sponsoring Future of Navigation - 21st Century Waterways public listening sessions. The listening sessions, which will be held in several locations across the country, are designed to provide a venue for open communications between various Federal agencies and U.S. Marine Transportation System (MTS) stakeholders to discuss the joint Federal agency initiative to use modern technology to support a safer, more efficient, more secure, and environmentally sound MTS. These listening sessions will provide MTS users and stakeholders an opportunity, beyond traditional venues, to express their emerging needs for navigational information and service delivery systems necessary to improve safety and efficiency of transits on the Nation`s waterways.
A listening session is scheduled to be held on May 22, 2014 at 5 pm at the Renaissance Hotel and Waterfront Conference Center in Portsmouth, VA. The intended outcome of these listening sessions is the development of a portfolio supported by multiple Federal agencies that will provide coordinated and timely delivery of navigational information and services to promote safety and efficiency on the MTS.
For further information, you may contact Mr. John Walters at John.R.Walters@uscg.mil or (757) 398-6230, LCDR Denise Gruccio at
Denise.Gruccio@noaa.gov or (571) 305-0995, or Mr. Mike Anderson at Michael.L.Anderson@usace.army.mil or (757) 201-7584.