Mariners' Advisory Committee
for the Bay & River Delaware
Posted   03-31-2016 09:59    
TEL: (215) 271-4800
FAX: (215) 271-4833
[MSIB # 06-16]
February 24, 2016
(Updated with fillable form)

(This MSIB supersedes MSIB 06-12)
Big Stone Anchorage: is “Anchorage A” described in Title 33 CFR 110.157(a).
Bunkering: “Bunkering”, for this MSIB, is regarded as a bulk oil transfer of fuel oil or lube oil, as defined by Title 33 CFR Part 154.105, to a vessel from a waterfront facility, mobile facility (tank truck), or another vessel. Bunkering operations do not require advance notice. Bunkering is not allowed in severe weather when winds are at 40 mph (sustained) [35 knots] or greater.
Lightering Operations: are defined by Title 33 CFR Part 156.205 as “the transfer of a cargo of oil or a hazardous material in bulk from one vessel to another, including all phases of the operation from the beginning of the mooring operation to the departure of the service vessel from the vessel to be lightered, except when that cargo is intended only for use as fuel or lubricant aboard the receiving vessel.”
Lightering Vessel: is the vessel which discharges oil or hazardous material in bulk to a Receiving Vessel.
“OSRO”: is an Oil Spill Removal Organization (OSRO) and is further defined by Title 33 CFR Part 154.1020.
“QI”, or Qualified Individual: is a person who meets the requirements of Title 33 CFR Part 154.1026.
Receiving Vessel is the vessel which receives cargo of oil or hazardous material in bulk from another vessel in a lightering operation.
Reverse Lightering Operations: A transfer of oil or hazardous material in bulk (as cargo) from a barge or small tank ship to what is predominantly a larger Receiving Vessel.”
Sector Delaware Bay Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone: is defined by Title 33 CFR Part 3.25-05.
Servicing Vessel: is synonymous with the term “Receiving Vessel” and described in Title 33 CFR Part 156.205.
Upriver means: for the purposes of this MSIB, any waters north of the Southern Span of the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

Big Stone Anchorage (Anchorage A) Lightering Operations and Offshore Lightering Operations:
As authorized by 33 CFR 156.118(b), the Captain of the Port Delaware Bay requires at least 4 hours advance notice for all vessel to vessel oil or hazardous material bulk cargo transfers within Big Stone Anchorage. Prior to conducting Big Stone Anchorage Lightering Operations, the vessel’s owner, operator, master or representative must submit the Advance Notice /Request for Lightering (Enclosure 1), to the Coast Guard, via email (
After providing the Advance Notice / Request for Lightering for Big Stone Anchorage Lightering Operations, the vessel’s owner, operator, master or representative may proceed, per their notification, and the Sector Command Center will issue a control number to document their submission. Submitters may request their notification control number from the Sector Command Center, as needed, at (215) 271-4807. Calling the Sector Command Center for a control number is not required, but control numbers are voluntarily available upon request. Notifications do not need to be updated if the anticipated time changes by less than 12 hours. Offshore Lightering Operations are any lightering seaward of Anchorage A, in the Captain of the Port Zone. Notification is still required, four hours in advance, using the attached form, with latitude/longitude provided as a location.

Upriver Lightering Operations: Prior to conducting Upriver Lightering Operations, the vessel’s owner, operator, master or representative must submit the Advance Notice /Request for Lightering (Enclosure 1), to the Coast Guard, via e-mail ( Upriver Lightering Operations require both 4 hours advance notification and approval by the COTP. After providing the Advance Notice / Request for Lightering for Upriver Lightering Operations, the vessel’s owner, operator, master or representative must first receive an approval from the Sector Command Center before lightering operations may begin. Under normal circumstances, submitters should expect approval within 2 hours and will receive their request back marked APPROVED. Requests do not need to be updated if the anticipated time changes by less than 12 hours.

Severe Weather
Sector personnel may contact AMPD providers to ascertain response capabilities and risk assessments; this may increase time required for approval. If severe weather is forecasted, the COTP may set Port Condition Whiskey via MSIB which will detail port requirements likely to include suspension of bunkering or lightering operations. In any event, when winds are above 40 mph (sustained) [35 knots], no bunkering nor lightering operations are permitted. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this bulletin or expectations of the Captain of the Port, please contact the Sector Command Center at (215) 271-4807, or

Benjamin A. Cooper
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Captain of the Port Delaware Bay
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)