Posted   07-15-2024 09:09    
Delaware River, Cherry Island Range, Open to All Vessel Traffic

All mariners be advised that the portion of Cherry Island Range in the Delaware River between Delaware River Buoy 31 (light list number 3025) and Delaware River Buoy 33 (light list number 3035) is now open to all vessel traffic.

Posted   07-09-2024 09:03    

Posted   07-01-2024 14:35    
*** Walt Witman & Benjamin Franklin Bridge Inspections***

Mariners are advised that an engineering firm, on behalf of the Delaware River Port Authority, will be performing underwater bridge inspections on the I-76 (Walt Whitman) Bridge, at mile 96.8, across Delaware River and the I-676 (Benjamin Franklin) Bridge, at mile 100.2, across the Delaware River, in Philadelphia, PA. The project is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Monday-Friday; from July 8, 2024, through August 15, 2024. A 26-foot work vessel and dive team will be in and around the vicinity of the bridge. During the maintenance period, during work hours, the 26-foot work vessel and dive team will be located in the navigational channel, adjacent to the bridge fender system of the bridge, which will reduce the horizontal clearance of the I-76 (Walt Whitman) Bridge, to approximately 1574 feet, and will reduce the horizontal clearance of the I-676 (Ben Franklin) Bridge, to approximately 1904 feet, respectively. Inspection personnel, equipment and vessels will relocate from the navigable channel upon request. The work vessel and dive team may be reached on VHF-FM Channels 13 and 16. The onsite project foreman may be reached at 914-261-0912. Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution when transiting the area.

Posted   06-28-2024 09:18    
Seaward Marine Corp. will be conducting dredging operations in the Upper Delaware River between Edgewater Range and Florence Range starting July 1, 2024. Mariners are requested to notify the tug on-scene, Tug Kayla T, 30 minutes prior to transiting the area that the Dredge Carolyn Skaves is working in, to make passing arrangements. The Tug Kayla T can be contacted via VHF radio channel 13, or by phone at 757-837-7620. Mariners are reminded to transit the area with caution.

Posted   06-01-2024 10:11    
MSIB 10-24 Hurricane Seasonal Alert

The Captain of the Port, Sector Delaware Bay, is setting Hurricane Seasonal Alert on June 1, 2024. Seasonal Alert will remain in effect through November 30, 2024, unless otherwise established. All vessels, facilities, and marinas are asked to take adequate precautions and review the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay Port Hurricane Contingency Plan, and their individual Heavy Weather Plans.

Please see the attachment for the full text.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   05-29-2024 11:30    
Sector Delaware Bay Coast Guard has updated the foreign vessel arrivals (VDO) number to (445)-444-1535. This number is utilized Monday thru Friday from 0730 till 1600. Continue to contact the Command Center after hours or for emergency purposes.

Posted   05-13-2024 13:48    
*Tacony-Palmyra Bridge Vertical Clearance Reduction*

Mariners are advised that Burlington County Bridge Commission will be performing repairs on the SR 73 (Tacony-Palmyra) Bridge, at mile 107.2 over the Delaware River, between Tacony PA, and Palmyra, NJ, from May 20, 2024, through September 23, 2024. To facilitate repairs to the bottom of the lower chord (steel members) on the bascule leaves, a platform will be located on and around the vicinity of the bridge for the entirety of the maintenance period. The platform will reduce the vertical clearance of the bridge by approximately 2 feet to approximately 48 feet above mean high water. Vessels able to pass through the bridge in closed position may do so at any time. The drawbridge will operate in accordance with the operating regulations set out in Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 117.716. All mariners should use caution when transiting the area. The drawbridge tender may be reached VHF-FM channel 13 and (609) 922-2843. Mariners should use caution while navigating in the vicinity of the bridge.

If you have questions, please contact Sector Delaware Bay Waterways Management at 215-271-4814.

This notice is included in the U.S. Coast Guard District 5 Local Notice to Mariners.

Posted   06-26-2023 10:12    
***Cherry Island Range - Submerged Objects***

There are two submerged objects in Cherry Island Range on the Delaware River. The submerged objects were discovered during survey operations by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The first submerged object is 60 feet inside the green toe of the navigational channel. In approximate position latitude 39°43`08.5"N, longitude 75°30`27.7"W, at a depth of 42.5 feet mean low low water. The second submerged object is 55 feet from the centerline of the navigational channel. In approximate position latitude 39°42`52.8"N, longitude 75°30`28.5"W, at a depth of 43.3 feet mean low low water. Mariners are advised to use caution when navigating this area.

Please see the attachment for a chartlet of each submerged object.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   03-03-2023 08:27    
***Maintenance on St. Georges Bridge, C&D Canal***

Mariners are advised that an engineering firm, on behalf of USACE, will be performing maintenance on the St Georges Bridge, C&D Canal, mile 4.5, at St Georges, DE. To facilitate bridge work, the maintenance will be from March 1, 2023, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days a week through December 1, 2023. During work hours, a snooper will be located in and around the navigation channel reducing the vertical clearance by approximately 20 feet. Vessels who can safely transit through the reduced vertical clearance, may do so at any time. Mariners who need more than 115 feet of vertical clearance during work hours should notify the work foreman no less than 30 minutes prior to navigating through the bridge. The project foreman can be reached on VHF-FM channel 13 or (610) 842-5257. Mariners should use caution navigating through the area.

Posted   02-17-2023 09:34    
Coast Guard Investigative Service

MSIB 1-23

Reporting Sexual Misconduct on U.S. Vessels

***See attachment for full text***

Sexual misconduct that occurs onboard U.S. flagged vessels harms mariners, interrupts safe operations, and often leads to accidents, lost careers, and a lifetime of trauma for the survivors who endure the abuse. The Coast Guard is committed to investigating and pursuing appropriate enforcement actions for all reports of sexual misconduct on U.S. flagged vessels. This MSIB supersedes the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy’s MSIB 11-21 “Reporting Sexual Assaults on U.S. Vessels” issued on December 16, 2021.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   08-10-2022 11:19    

The Captain of the Port (COTP), Delaware Bay, is notifying mariners of the amended anchorage regulations, specifically 33 CFR 110.157, paragraphs (a)(18)-(20) for the Delaware Bay and River, and adjacent waters, which established two offshore deep-water anchorages. The establishment of these two anchorages is to improve navigation safety by accommodating recent and anticipated future growth in vessel size and the volume of vessel traffic entering the Delaware Bay and River, and to preserve areas traditionally used or needed for anchoring.

Posted   05-16-2022 10:37    
Report of Lost Anchor in Big Stone Anchorage

Sector Delaware Bay received a report that the flukes portion of an anchor broke free at the following lat/long position in the upper end of Big Stone Anchorage:
38°59.72`N; 75°13.32`W

See attached chart. Mariners are advised to use caution when anchoring in the vicinity.

View Attachment 1 (.PNG)

Posted   04-20-2022 09:02    
HQ MSIB 02-21 CH-5

COVID-19 Safety Requirements in the Maritime Transportation System: Change-5
***see attachment for full text***

On April 18, 2022, the US District Court, Middle District of Florida, vacated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandate for mask wear in airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs as well as on airplanes, buses, trains, and most other public conveyances in the United States, including vessels. Per this ruling, the CDC has declared that the mandate is no longer in effect. Federal agencies are reviewing the court’s decision. In the interim the Coast Guard will not enforce the directives requiring mask use on public transportation and in transportation hubs. CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings.
Vessel and sea port operators are encouraged to monitor the CDC website at for the most up to date guidance. The CDC has published an updated list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can be found at Public Transportation. The Coast Guard has also published additional guidance that can be found at the FAQ web page.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   09-28-2021 14:36    


The Coast Guard is seeking comments from the public regarding the New Jersey Port Access Route Study (PARS). On May 5, 2020, the Coast Guard published a notice of study and request for comments (85 FR 26695), announcing a PARS for the Seacoast of New Jersey Including Offshore Approaches to the Delaware Bay, Delaware. This notice announces the availability of a draft report for public review and comment. We seek your comments on the content, proposed routing measures, and development of the report. The recommendations of the study may lead to future rulemakings or appropriate international agreements.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   02-26-2021 13:04    
U.S. Coast Guard District Five has received several sets of data from the Coast Guard`s Navigation Center in support of the Port Access Route Study: Seacoast of NJ including approaches to the Delaware Bay (PARS) including an analysis of current anchoring practices. The data has been posted on Sector Delaware Bay`s homeport page under the Waterways Management link and sublink titled "NJ PARS Information".

There, interested parties will find 4 sets of data:
1. NJ PARS Traffic Summary
2. NJ PARS Traffic Summary (including Addendum 2: VMS Data Analysis, pgs 143-212)
3. NJ PARS Anchorage Analysis
4. NJ PARS Tug and Tow Analysis (Addendum 3 to the Traffic Analysis)

Any questions or comments on the data sets can be submitted to CAPT Maureen Kallgren, 757-398-6250 or

Thank you.

Posted   10-06-2020 11:23    



This Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) is intended to highlight several recent cyber events involving increasingly sophisticated malicious email spoofing techniques within the Marine Transportation System (MTS). The types of reported spoofing attacks included impersonating Coast Guard ( email addresses, and Coast Guard industry communications regarding Area Maritime Security Committee meetings. In one case, the opening of a malicious file caused a network compromise that resulted in additional spoofed emails that were sent to MTS port partners. These types of attacks have potential cascading consequences, and impacted organizations should immediately notify all affected stakeholders and local authorities. Coast Guard units along with Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) regulated facilities and vessels should be on high alert and remain vigilant for similar cyber threats within your areas of responsibility.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   07-31-2020 09:30    
Sector Delaware Bay MSIB 18-20

**See attachment for full text**


In an effort to improve response times and align with other Captain of the Port (COTP) zones, an updated Sector Delaware Bay Navigation Safety Equipment Deviation Request form, otherwise known as a Letter of Deviation request, is being released for use within the Delaware Bay COTP zone. Mariners are asked to use this updated form when requesting a deviation from navigation safety equipment requirements, per 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §164.55. As a reminder, making such a request does not relieve the vessel of the requirement to report inoperable equipment on a Notice of Arrival per 33 CFR §160.206.
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)

Posted   03-02-2020 09:12    

Reporting Requirements for Vessels with Inoperable Navigation Equipment

U. S. Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay has noted an increase in the number of vessels failing to report inoperable navigation equipment prior to transiting through the Delaware Bay Captain of the Port (COTP) zone. As a reminder, all self-propelled vessels of 1600 or more gross tons when operating in the navigable waters of the United States are required to report inoperable navigation equipment as required by Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 164.

Non-operating equipment must be reported to each COTP zone which a vessel will transit through. For example, vessels transiting to and from Baltimore utilizing the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and passing through the Delaware Bay enroute to and from sea are required to report inoperable equipment to Sector Delaware Bay. A vessel is required to make this report regardless if they call upon a port or anchorage within the Delaware Bay or River. On a case-by-case basis, the COTP may impose restrictions (commonly known as a Letter of Deviation) on the vessel with inoperable equipment to ensure the safety of the port and vessel.

Submission of an Advanced Notice of Arrival (ANOA) does not meet the reporting requirement for inoperable equipment. Vessels are required per 33 CFR 164.53 to report inoperable navigation equipment including radar, radio navigation receivers, gyrocompass, echo depth sounding device, AIS, Electronic Position Fixing Device, ARPA, and primary steering gear.

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this bulletin or to submit a request, please contact the Sector Delaware Bay Port State Control Division at (215) 271-4887 or

S. E. Anderson
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Captain of the Port
Sector Delaware Bay
View Attachment 1 (.PDF)